Sunday, October 18, the Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost
Sunday, October 18 is the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost. Find the readings here.
Dear Friends in Christ,
This week’s worship videos are now available:
Morning Prayer, Rite II
Morning Prayer, Rite I
Please support our ministries, if you aren't already doing so.
We're trying two experiments this week: our first Sunday Stroll will begin at 2 pm today by the gazebo/bandstand in Stage Fort Park. Please wear a mask. Mark has suggested to the parish choir they bring bells or rhythm instruments to make some noise at stage Fort Park Sunday at 2 PM. If you wish to join us please consider this an invitation.
Also, I'm going to experiment with very short (3 minute) videos for feast days. This week, the church celebrates Saint Luke on Monday (transferred from Sunday), and Saint James of Jerusalem on Friday. On those days, on our YouTube channel, we'll release a video of me reading the saint's biographical sketch from Lesser Feasts and Fasts, an image of the saint, and the collect for the saint's feast day.
With both of these experiments, if a decent number of people take advantage of them, we'll keep doing them. With the Sunday stroll, we might change up the time, or even the day, so be sure to read the next FYI. I might push for Wednesday just so I can call it the Wednesday Wamble, after Michael Palin's portrayal of Pontius Pilate.
Please join us for our virtual coffee hour at noon:
• To join in the Zoom app, use the Meeting ID: 852 8633 0838 (no password).
• To join in your browser, click here:
• To join from a smartphone, tap here: +16465588656,,85286330838#
• To join from a conventional phone, call (646) 558-8656 and enter the Meeting ID.
Here are Mark's music notes:
This Sunday we offer Hymn 573 "Father Eternal, Ruler of Creation," moving words for this time, yet related to the Gospel of the day. Outside the Anglican Tradition but perhaps familiar to many of us we also sing "Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling" from the tent meeting tradition of the late 19th century. And a bonus this week, we will sing "I Sought the Lord" (Hymn 689) Related to the 2nd reading a very introspective and deeply moving text and tune as well.
We continue to have outdoor rehearsal for the kids on Thursdays. They are also using the Acapella app and I hope to feature them soon. The Parish Choir continues to meet via Zoom and are concluding our time with singing Compline. We hope to invite you to experience Compline with us in November.
We’re looking at some community engagement this Advent and Christmas and invite your favorite (or compelling) poetry, readings and/or music. We’re imagining a short (~10 minute) video coming out often featuring all of our favorite stories and music.
A final invitation, if you would like to try singing in the weekly hymn recordings please let me know. We know that singing is something that so many of us want to do, and those of us who sing immensely enjoy it. We do have a roving iPad for those who don't have an Apple device (required for the app).