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with outreach programs for all

Providing opportunities for thousands among our community whether you're giving back or asking for help.

St. John’s shines with grace and excellence in many ways, but none more brightly than in our service to people in the wider community. We do more for those outside our walls than most churches twice our size. Formally known in the Episcopal Church as "Ministries—activities carried out by Christians to express or spread their faith" our programs stretch from involvement in our services to weekly alcoholics anonymous meetings and feeding the hungry or even faith education.




A reader is scheduled to read both the Hebrew and Greek Bible readings, and sometimes the psalm. (when it is not sung). The lessons are sent via email before worship, so that they can be made familiar to you.

How to participate:

Guidance/training is provided and simple. Scheduling is flexible.

A request regarding availability is sent out the week before worship (approx. eight times a year) and substitutes can be provided.

Altar Guild

Serving on the Altar guild is a wonderful chance to get close to and truly feel a part of the service. Members of the Altar Guild are responsible for preparing the church for Sunday, holiday and special services. Members meet on Saturday to set up the church.

Duties Include: filling candlesticks with oil, preparing the service vessels, and setting up the required items for communion. Following services, members clean the vessels, home communion kit as necessary and make sure the sanctuary is clean and tidy. Scheduling is flexible and members serve on a rotating basis.

Altar Guild.png



An Acolyte assists the priest and helps lead the congregation during worship to ensure that the service runs smoothly. Serving as an Acolyte at St. John's Church is a wonderful and unique way to participate more fully in the spiritual life of the church.

Duties Include: lighting/extinguishing the candles, carrying the cross Into worship, and into the world, assisting with the gospel reading, and offertory and communion preparation. In addition to serving at Sunday Services, acolytes serve at special services such as weddings and funerals. Training is available and scheduling is flexible.

Lay Eucharistic Ministry

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM) offer the prayers of the people and distribute the wine at communion during weekly services, as well as assist the priest during the service whenever necessary. The prayers of the people are sent via email before worship so that they can be made familiar to you.


How to Participate: Guidance/training is provided and simple. Scheduling is flexible. A request regarding availability is sent out approx. four times a year (the week before worship) and substitutes can be provided.

Flower Guild

The Flower Guild designs arrangements for our altar and the narthex on a weekly basis. Each week after .worship, the guild also creates a number of arrangements for the flower delivery ministry. Along with the weekly and holiday duties the guild designs and arranges flowers for weddings, Memorial Services and receptions.

Ushers and Greeters

These folks help to provide the behind-the-scenes activities during Sunday worship.

Duties Include: welcoming, newcomers, and introducing yourself so that you can learn, at least their first name; distributing the weekly bulletin, collecting contributions, bringing the elements forward at the offertory, assisting with the logistics coming up to communion, and closing the church following the service. Scheduling is flexible and based on your availability



Please provide your information and check off all programs you're interested in. Once you submit your request, the head of the program(s) you selected will reach out to you.

Thanks for submitting!



Grace Center
What: The Grace Center is a grant-funded, faith-based program serving the at-risk community of Cape Ann. Breakfast and lunch are provided, as well as engaging activities such as Bingo, discussion groups, arts and crafts, music, and movies. A social worker and staff work closely with other agencies in town to ensure the guests needs are being met. To learn more about Grace Center visit their website.

When: Monday–Friday from 8am–4pm
Where: 264 Main Street, Gloucester, MA 01930

Get Involved: Volunteering includes greeting and registering guests, meal preparation, social interaction, or playing music. Shifts are flexible!

Action Lunch Program
What: The Action Lunch Program provides a bag lunch for guests of the Action Shelter in Gloucester. St. John's has been involved in this ministry for nearly 20 years! Without this lunch many would not get a mid-day meal on Sunday.

When: Saturdays
Where: St. John's Parish Hall, 48 Middle St, Gloucester, MA 01930

Get Involved: Volunteering includes preparing 20 bag lunches that include a simple sandwich, small drink, chips and fruit. The lunches are delivered to the shelter after 5:00pm and are distributed on Sunday morning. All participants can be reimbursed for expenses and we'd be happy to help anyone through their first time participating!

Sunday Food Collection
What: A basket included in each Sunday Service Offertory is donated to the Open Door each week to be added to the shelves in their food pantry. Donations help to fill the gap in the assortment of food available and provide much needed nutritional support to our community.

When: Sundays during St. John's services
Where: St. John's Church, 48 Middle St, Gloucester, MA 01930

Get Involved: All food items NOT IN GLASS CONTAINERS are welcome but, please check the expiration date. We also accept diapers, baby wipes, as well as women's sanitary products. Please bring 1-2 items to church with you and drop them in the basket.

Ms. Fixits
What: Started in 1990 as the Housekeeping Committee, this group of volunteers works together to clean, paint, and repair anything that needs minor work in the church and on its grounds.

When: Mondays from 9:00am–12:00pm as needed.
Where: St. John's Church, 48 Middle St, Gloucester, MA 01930

Get Involved: When projects are assigned, the Ms. Fixits will be called upon and after work they get together for lunch in the parish hall.

Thrift Shop
What: St. John's Thrift Shop not only carries a terrific array of items for sale but it also serves as a means of outreach to the Gloucester community and provides an opportunity for social interaction among parishioners and the community.
Where: St. John's Parish Hall, 48 Middle St, Gloucester, MA 01930

Get Involved: Volunteering helps keep things going. Possible duties include cashier, front room supervision, back room inventory, and shift leader. Training and guidance are available. Scheduling is flexible and shifts are available in 2.5 hour blocks.

Visit our Thrift Shop page >

Pastoral Care
What: As a church family, St. John's focuses on supporting the needs of fellow parishioners. Members of the community provide support in areas including transportation, temporary respite care and meals, Eucharist distribution, visits and phone calls.

When: As needed.
Where: St. John's Church, 48 Middle St, Gloucester, MA 01930

Get Involved: Requests for help come through our rector and church assistant. All are welcome to participate in this ministry.

Open Door
What: The mission of The Open Door is to alleviate the impact of hunger in our community. To accomplish our mission we use a variety of practical strategies to connect people to good food, advocate on behalf of those in need, and engage others in the work of building food security

When: As needed.

 28 Emerson Ave, Gloucester MA 01930

Office: 978-283-6776 | Thrift Store: 978-283-4298

Get Involved:

Visit the Open Door >


Please provide your information and check off all programs you're interested in. Once you submit your request, the head of the program(s) you selected will reach out to you.

Thanks for submitting!


Men's Bible Study Group

What: This group of gentlemen meets every week to review the readings for the upcoming Sunday service and reflect on their meaning. This results in a lively discussion that provides additional insight as they prepare to participate more fully in the weekly services (often this group go out for breakfast at Two Sisters following the meeting).

When: Wednesdays from 7:00am–8:30am 

Where: The Thompson Room, St. John's Church, 48 Middle St, Gloucester, MA 01930

Get Involved: No preparation is necessary and materials are provided. All men are welcome.

Cursillo Reunion Group
What: This group provides an opportunity for members of St. John's community to grow in faith and spirituality. It encourages participants to live out their Baptismal vows. Following an initial Cursillo weekend retreat, members of the group meet twice a month to share how each person has encountered and exercised their faith.

When: First and Third Tuesdays 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Where: The Thompson Room, St. John's Church, 48 Middle St, Gloucester, MA 01930

Get Involved: No preparation is necessary and materials are provided. All are welcome.


Please provide your information and check off all programs you're interested in. Once you submit your request, the head of the program(s) you selected will reach out to you.

Thanks for submitting!

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