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Sunday, October 11, the Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Sunday, October 11 is the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Find the readings here.

Dear Friends in Christ,

This week’s worship videos are now available:

Morning Prayer, Rite II

Morning Prayer, Rite I

Please support our ministries, if you aren't already doing so.

Just two reminders this week:

If you want me (Fr. Bret) to read the names of any of your deceased loved ones during the All Souls' Day requiem, please e-mail them to me. If there's any chance I might mispronounce their names, please give me the pronunciation, too.

It's now possible for parishioners to reserve time in the church alone or with people they are living with. Just e-mail Marge and she'll make sure no one else is signed up for the time you want.

Please join us for our virtual coffee hour at noon:

• To join in the Zoom app, use the Meeting ID: 852 8633 0838 (no password).

• To join in your browser, click here:

• To join from a smartphone, tap here: +16465588656,,85286330838#

• To join from a conventional phone, call (646) 558-8656 and enter the Meeting ID.

Here are Mark's music notes:

We introduce 2 new canticles to this format. The Magnificat (sung after the first lesson) was originally part of “Vespers” which was transferred to Evensong at the English Reformation, and therefore associated with worship in the evening. The 1979 BCP has expanded its use to other offices. The themes of justice abound in this metrical setting Magnificat by Timothy Dudley-Smith. The second canticle should be familiar as we’ve sung it at 10:30 a number of times, the Gloria, part of the Sewanee Service by Malcolm Archer.

The Psalm of the day is the familiar 23rd. We’ll hear a recording from earlier this year. The opening hymn is a metrical setting of this beloved Psalm.

The final hymn is new … although we’ve sung this music years ago “Walk in the Way of Ancient Wisdom”. These words are by the prolific hymn writer Mary Louise Bringle. We’ve sung 6 other hymns of hers over the years. She’s a professor at Brevard College in North Carolina, specializing in philosophy, religion, and French. She’s been writing hymn texts since 2000.


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