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Sunday, November 22, Last Sunday After Pentecost

Sunday, November 22 is the last Sunday after Pentecost. Find the readings here.

Dear Friends in Christ,

This week’s worship video is now available:

Morning Prayer, Rite II

Please support our ministries, if you aren't already doing so.

First of all, my sincere apologies for the lack of a Rite I version of our worship video. One of the segments was unusable, and by the time I discovered this, it was too late in the production process to go back to the church and re-shoot it.

Secondly, a big thanks to everyone who has so thoughtfully invited me to share in their Thanksgiving dinners. While I already have plans, it means the world to me that people were thinking of me in such a challenging time. While this year's won't be the Thanksgiving any of us would have chosen for ourselves, I hope and pray we all find that God uses this holiday to expand our gratitude, and our compassion.

Please join us for coffee hour at noon:

• To join on a computer, tablet, or smartphone with the Zoom app installed, click here:

• To call in on a smartphone, tap here: +16465588656,,86398096400#,,,,,,0#,,296917#

• To join on a conventional phone, enter the Meeting ID: 863 9809 6400 and the Passcode: 296917

Here are Mark's music notes:

Interestingly, the lectionary appoints a portion of Psalm 95 for this Sunday … nearly the same as the Invitatory Psalm that we’ve sung up until recently. So we’ll reprise that familiar tune. Our hymns are well connected with our celebrating Thanksgiving this week, and yet are still reflective of the readings. Organ music is based on the beloved hymn “Now Thank We All Our God.” Happy Thanksgiving to all. Advent is just around the corner!


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