Sunday, October 31, Twenty-third Sunday After Pentecost
Almighty and merciful God, it is only by your gift that your faithful people offer you true and laudable service: Grant that we may run without stumbling to obtain your heavenly promises; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Sunday, October 31 is the Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost. Find the readings here.
Please join us at St. John's Church for one of two in-person services at 8:00 am and 10:30 am. We will try to stream the service live on our Facebook page. If you follow us on Facebook and are logged in around 9am, you should be able to see it. Also, the service will be posted on our Youtube channel by the early afternoon.
You can watch last week's service here.
If you want to join the Zoom coffee hour at 12:30, please email the Parish Administrator for the information.
Mark your calendar now! ST JOHNS VILLAGE FAIR Saturday November 20 from 9 am to 3 pm – 6 big hours! Look for clever crafts, treats from the Saintly Sweets Bake Shop, irresistible jewelry, cookies by the pound, delightful Christmas decorations, and then enjoy a delectable lunch and dessert! It will be an event too good to miss…be there!
Stewardship/Pledge Drive—"Taking Stock: The Abundance of God’s Grace!” Last week we asked, “What are the riches of St. John’s? What (at St. John’s and in your own life) kept you going during the upheavals of the last 20 months?” This week we’re asking, “What losses or changes did St. John’s (and you) experience? In them, where did you find consolation/creativity/grace/learning?” If you missed last week’s and want to add your voice, please email your answers to
All Saints Sunday November 7: During the prayers, we will read the names of those who have died in the last year. Please contact the office or write down names in the back of the church. Bring pictures of your favorite saints, be they family members or major Saints, to sit in the pew with you!
Diocesan Convention Special Events, this Wednesday, Friday and Nov. 12:
Mission Strategy Conversation, Wednesday, Nov. 3, 7-8 p.m.: The Mission Strategy Committee invites members of the diocesan community to this online discussion of the revised mission strategy document. Register here.
"A Reckoning in Boston" film screening & conversation, Friday, Nov. 5, 6:30-8:30 p.m.: Join online for a screening of "A Reckoning in Boston," a new documentary by James Rutenbeck (a member of St. Stephen’s Church in Boston) on Friday, Nov. 5 at 6:30 p.m. A conversation with the filmmakers will follow.
Special virtual events on the theme of “Mutuality,” Friday, Nov. 12, Talk, 1pm, breakout sessions, 2, 3 pm, Euharist, 5 pm, Keynote address, 7 pm. ANYONE is allowed to attend.
Forum Time: Let’s Chat! Today (Sunday) between services (9:15 to 10:15), come to have a conversation with Pastor Lise. Who are you? What is your spiritual hunger? How has Covid changed you/the church? All are welcome!
Contacting Pastor Lise: Pastor Lise (aka Lise) can be reached at She has a church cell phone of 351-217-9209. Please use these to contact her.
Updated Covid Instructions: Masks are required for all indoor activities, and we are to keep distanced (>=6 ft) from other households. Please wear your mask over both mouth and nose.
Music Notes: On this day in 1517 Martin Luther, an Augustinian priest and monk nailed the “95 Theses” on the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg and other places. This was common for educated persons to engage discussion and dialogue. This act signaled the beginning of the Reformation. We celebrate with the familiar hymn, written by Luther himself, “A Mighty Fortress.” We’ll be doing this by singing this hymn in both the original “jazzy” version (687) on st. 2 & 3, and the more familiar version (688) for the first and last. The Anthem “Jewels” is by Unitarian minister and Hingham born composer William Cushing. His last 30 years he suffered from a “creeping paralysis” which meant he gave up his public ministry. He wrote some 300 hymns in his final years. “Jewels” is a Sunday school hymn based on Malachi 3:17 “They shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, my special possession on the day when I act, and I will spare them as parents spare their children who serve them.” THANK YOU for the lovely celebration of my 20 years on October 17!