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Sunday, October 17, Twenty-first Sunday After Pentecost

Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ you have revealed your glory among the nations: Preserve the works of your mercy, that your Church throughout the world may persevere with steadfast faith in the confession of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Sunday, October 17 is the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost. Find the readings here.

ONE service today Please join us at St. John's Church for ONE in-person service today at 9:00 am. We will stream the service live on our Facebook page. Around 10 am, the church will hold a parish meeting to discuss a change in the bylaws. To join the parish meeting by Zoom, use this link (Meeting ID: 742 077 2676 Passcode: stjohns) and join at about 10 am. You may have to wait a few minutes as we finish the service, but then we will go right into the meeting. (To read both sets of bylaws, see below.)

If joining in person, please stay for a reception afterward to honor our beloved Music Director Mark Nelson, and celebrate his twenty years at St. John's.

The Parish meeting will put to a parish-wide vote whether to accept the proposed change to the St. John's bylaws. The change addresses a single issue - the terms of the Officers (Wardens, Treasurer, Clerk). The current bylaws allow the Officers to serve up to 3 one-year terms. The proposed change is for the Officers to serve up to 6 one-year terms. This change actually follows the model bylaws offered by the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts.

All Saints Sunday November 7: During the prayers, we will read the names of those who have died in the last year. Please contact the office or write down names in the back of the church. Bring pictures of your favorite saints, be they family members or major Saints, to sit in the pew with you!

Stewardship/Pledge Drive Coming: Fall is a great time to take stock of our lives and our church. This year we will reflect on “What is great?” “What has changed?” “What is God up to?” through this time of pandemic and change at St. John’s. October 24 to November 14 (in-gathering Sunday). Stay tuned!

No heat in church buildings, M-F, Oct 25-29:Milne Plumbing & Heating will repair the Church’s heating system beginning Monday October 25th. There will be NO HEAT in the Sanctuary and Parish Hall buildings for most of that week, ending by Friday Oct. 29th.

Forum Time: Let’s Chat! Today (Sunday) between services (9:15 to 10:15), come to have a conversation with Pastor Lise. Who are you? What is your spiritual hunger? How has Covid changed you/the church? All are welcome!

Contacting Pastor Lise: Pastor Lise (aka Lise) can be reached at She has a church cell phone of 351-217-9209. Please use these to contact her.

Updated Covid Instructions: Masks are required for all indoor activities, and we are to keep distanced (>=6 ft) from other households. Please wear your mask over both mouth and nose.


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