Sunday, July 12, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Find the readings here. Bulletin July 12 Morning Prayer I Bulletin July 12 Morning Prayer II
Dear Friends in Christ, This week’s worship videos are now available:
This week we welcome as our virtual guest preacher the Rev. Cn. Martha Hubbard. Some of you may remember her when she visited us in person last June. She's crafted a very fine sermon for us, mixing pastoral, exegetical, and prophetic insights into an edifying whole. In case you forgot what she does, a regional canon's "responsibilities include lay leadership support and development; transition ministry with congregations and clergy involved in search processes for new ordained leadership; and clergy wellness and family support." Each of the three regions of our diocese has roughly 60 parishes, not to mention other ministries like schools and chaplaincies, so our regional canons are very busy indeed. For the last few days, I've been less busy, taking a few days off for R&R at our diocesan camp and conference center. While they are not able to offer their traditional (and excellent) programming this summer, BCH is offering Thursday through Sunday guest periods for individuals and families; there are currently two choices available for August. I can now say from personal experience that it's an excellent getaway, offering opportunities to hike, swim, paddle, or just relax in a beautiful setting with friendly staff and, most importantly, good food. I'm giving serious thought to staying on the road a bit longer, hosting our virtual coffee hour on my smartphone... if you want to see where I am, you'll just have to join me at noon: Peace, Bret