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Sunday, January 2, Second Sunday After Christmas

O God, who wonderfully created, and yet more wonderfully restored, the dignity of human nature: Grant that we may share the divine life of him who humbled himself to share our humanity, your Son Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Sunday, January 2 is the Second Sunday After Christmas. Find the readings here. Download the worship booklet here.

Sunday, January 2, one Service, 9:30 am, Live-Streamed and In Person Due to the rapid rise of the Omicron Covid variant, worship will be one pared-down service at 9:30 am, live-streamed on Facebook, in person for those who wish, and available later on YouTube. Music will be provided, but the choir will take a break for the time being. This change will run through the month of January, and then the leadership will reassess the situation. Feedback about the new time is welcomed!

We encourage people who have health issues or current symptoms of illness, who are not vaccinated, or are anxious about being exposed to Covid to stay home and worship online. Your health and peace of mind are priority! At the same time, we realize that some people may not participate in virtual worship and wish to show up in person. Mandatory masking, sitting in alternating pews, and running air purifiers are all in place to keep people safe. And while some parishioners have contracted the virus, we are not aware of anyone catching Covid while worshipping at St. John’s. Please make the best decision you can for yourself and your household.

If you want to join the Zoom coffee hour at 12:30, please email the Parish Administrator for the information.

Vestry and Search Retreat going Virtual (Part I): The Vestry and Search retreat will be split into two parts, and will start with a morning Zoom session on January 8 from 9 to 11-ish. In Part I, we will review the timeline and roles for a typical search, and also look at the larger question of where St. John’s is in its life-cycle. Materials for the “deeper dive” question will be introduced, which will then lead to a full discussion at the Part II session (in person at a later and safer date). Zoom link and materials will be sent out next week.

January 6th Epiphany Service Cancelled - The Epiphany service scheduled for Thursday, January 6th at 6 pm has been cancelled due to Covid.

Thrift Shop Closed for a Few Weeks: The Thrift Shop will not be open tomorrow (Saturday, January 1) and will remain closed for at least the following two weeks, to minimize Covid exposure to the staff and volunteers there. An opening date will be assessed after the two weeks have passed.

Stay Safe! Please stay masked whenever you are around people outside your household. Cloth masks are not very effective; at the minimum, use a surgical mask. KN95 and N95 masks are best! If you or household members develop cold-like symptoms (sore throat, runny nose, tiredness or loss of taste or smell), isolate and get tested. Avoid larger gatherings or eating situations with others. Getting vaccinated or boosted is a good defense against serious illness.

Annual Meeting: Sunday, January 30th after one service at 9 am. Please submit reports to Elizabeth, the Parish Administrator by Friday, January 14. Thanks!


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