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Sunday, February 6, Fifth Sunday After Epiphany

Set us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins, and give us the liberty of that abundant life which you have made known to us in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Sunday, February 6 is the Fifth Sunday After Epiphany. Download the worship booklet here.

Worship Options: We will continue to worship in one service of Eucharist at 9:30 am through February, open to in-person worshippers and also livestreamed on Facebook. The YouTube link for the service and sermon in written form will be sent out on Tuesday. There is no coffee hour following worship. If you are worshipping virtually: You can request for blessed communion wafers to be mailed to you or to pick them up at the office. Email Marge or call the office at 978-283-1708. If you are worshipping in person: We ask that you wear a mask at all times in the building (we strongly recommend N95, KN95 or surgical masks) and keep your distance from others. Air purifiers will be running during the service. There is no coffee hour following worship.

If you want to join the Zoom coffee hour at 12:30, please email the Parish Administrator for the information.

Thrift Shop Has Resumed Normal Hours: The Thrift Shop will be open Wednesdays and Saturdays, 10-2. Thanks for everyone’s support!

Ash Wednesday is March 2nd. There will be two services, one at noon, without music, and one at 7 pm with music, which will also be live-streamed.

Lenten Focus on “Systemic Sin.” While Lent traditionally is a time to look inward and reflect on our relationship to God, it often is couched in terms of personal responsibility. This year, we will reflect on “the evil powers of this world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God” (Service of Holy Baptism) and of which we are a part. Some of these are racism, economic disparities/poverty, materialism, militarism, and environmental destruction. If you would like to briefly share your reflections on one of these areas—how you personally are aware of the evil and feel your complicity in it AND see the larger forces that make it hard to change—for maybe 3 minutes on a Sunday in Lent, please reach out to Pastor Lise.

Stay Safe! Please stay masked whenever you are around people outside your household. Cloth masks are not very effective; at the minimum, use a surgical mask. KN95 and N95 masks are best! If you or household members develop cold-like symptoms (sore throat, runny nose, tiredness or loss of taste or smell), isolate and get tested. Avoid larger gatherings or eating situations with others. Getting vaccinated or boosted is a good defense against serious illness.


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