Sunday, April 25
O God, whose Son Jesus is the good shepherd of your people: Grant that when we hear his voice we may know him who calls us each by name, and follow where he leads; who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Sunday, April 25 is the Fourth Sunday of Easter. Find the readings here.
Music Notes - from Mark Nelson
As Fr. Bret is on vacation I’m producing our Morning Prayer video.
Find the Sunday service here:
There are several variations, firstly Rick Britten is the Officiant and is in dialogue with some of our singers using the Acapella App to approximate worshiping together.
Carol McKenzie recorded a lovely new (to us) setting of Psalm 23 by noted composer Bob Chilcott. You can read more about this tuneful composer who is also a former King’s College, Cambridge chorister, choral scholar as well as a 12 year member of the famous King’s Singers. Lots more information at
We also will hear a setting of the famous Randall Thompson Alleluia, sung by singers and music directors from around the Diocese. The accompanying video includes shots of churches around the diocese. We have not participated in this as we have our active singing program ourselves. This recording is made with a very different system from what we use. Our system involves each person adding a layer and thus singing “with” those who’ve already sung. This other system involves recording singers only viewing a conductor video and listening to a piano track. Then an experienced editor syncs all the submitted recordings and adjusts them for volume, pitch, and cutoffs (i.e. lots more editing than I can do with our app) and then turns out a fine recording. I’m thankful that our numbers match the technology that we use. This is a wonderful piece and very well sung, and I’m certain you’ll enjoy hearing it.
Organ music is from a new volume of music by noted composer June Nixon who for 40 years was the Organist and Director of Music at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne, Australia. She remains Organist Emerita. You can read more about this remarkable woman at her website: The 2 short pieces are based on 2 well known hymns based on Psalm 23 which we’re not singing. So much music, so little time!
Please join us at noon for coffee hour.
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