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Christmas Eve, 2020

On Christmas Eve, 2020, join us for a virtual Christmas Eve service at St. John's Church.

Join us for a virtual walk-about of the beautiful St. John's Church candlelit interior with a focus on the extraordinary olive wood crèche obtained in Bethlehem in 1997. We will retell the familiar stories of the redemption of the world in the birth of this holy boy. We will hear and sing some of the great poetry and music inspired by this love. And you’ll get to see the photos of your crèches that were sent to me. We can give this birthday new meaning in our distanced context with this virtual gathering.

It gladdens our musical hearts to have a chance to sing “together” and we hope that you are making a joyful noise at home with us during this service! Profound thanks to all who have labored to make this chance to “be together” possible.

Readers: Doug Parsons, Melanie Murray-Brown, Martha Whitney (from NH), Sebastian Murray-Brown, Iona Murray-Brown, Pete Goodwin (from Florida) and Nelson Pike (winner of the long distance award: Liverpool UK Steve Lacey, Guitar Guest singers: Ursulla DeYoung, Sonia DeYoung, (both St. John’s Youth Choir alums, James Scoville, Megan Errgong-Weider. Cape Ann Choir School Choristers: Jordan & Julia Palk Regular quarantine singers: Carol (even her name says Christmas) McKenzie, Alex Garcia-Mata, Sarah Larson, Anne Bourne, Katharine Newhouse, Gwen Kopka, Maggie Marshall, DeeDee Bedford, David Oliver, Rick Britton, Chuck Everett The amount of work singing remotely is extraordinary! As is the number of e-mails and texts it takes to get each of these musical offerings. The other amazing thing is the ability to collaborate with musicians I haven’t met in person, and sometimes at a bit of a distance. And to Bret and our behind the scenes staff for their support and encouragement.

A huge shout out to Jim LaBelle who actually produced the video, Thank you.


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