Sunday, November 15, Twenty-fifth Sunday After Pentecost
Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Sunday, November 14 is the twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost. Find the readings here. Worship booklet here: Holy Eucharist, Autumn 2021
Please join us at St. John's Church for one of two in-person services at 8:00 am and 10:30 am. We will try to stream the service live on our Facebook page. If you follow us on Facebook and are logged in around 9am, you should be able to see it. Also, the service will be posted on our Youtube channel by the early afternoon.
You can watch last week's service here.
If you want to join the Zoom coffee hour at 12:30, please email the Parish Administrator for the information.
Vestry Notes for November 9, 2021 via Zoom
* A schedule of services for Christmas 2021 based on those most heavily attended in the past has been established.
Christmas Eve, December 24th 5PM and 8:30PM
Christmas Day, December 25th No services
Sunday after Christmas, December 26th 9AM (single service)
* The Search Committee for the New Rector will be commissioned at the 10:30 service on Sunday, November 14th. The Search Committee will be composed of the following parishioners: Patricia Anders, Naomi Astyk, Rick Britton, Tom Chmura, Howie Kasper, Gwen Kopka, Sarah Larson and Katharine Newhouse.
* Pandora Gorman has been hired as the Thrift Shop Manager for a trial period of six months.
* The St. John’s PPP loan for $33,000 received under the Cares Act has been forgiven by the Small Business Administration and will not need to be repaid
Search Committee Commissioning Sunday: Please welcome the search team at the 10:30 service and keep them in your prayers in the coming months. The search team consists of Patricia Anders, Gwen Kopka, Naomi Astyk, Sarah Larsen, Tom Chmura, Rick Britton, Howie Kasper and Katherine Newhouse. Thank you all for your service!
Stewardship/Pledge Drive: Pledge Ingathering Sunday! You are invited to bring up your pledge card and place in the basin in front as you come up for communion. If you already mailed in your card, it will be there already! Extra pledge cards are in the back of the church; cards gladly accepted in coming weeks.
ST JOHNS VILLAGE FAIR Saturday November 20 from 9 am to 3 pm – 6 big hours! Look for clever crafts, treats from the Saintly Sweets Bake Shop, irresistible jewelry, cookies by the pound, delightful Christmas decorations, and then enjoy a delectable lunch and dessert! It will be an event too good to miss…be there!
Cove Gallery hosts exhibit of paintings by Mary McCarl: through November, come see this exhibit, organized by Mary McCarl’s niece, Gloucester artist Mary Rhinelander, at the Cove Art Gallery, 6 Wonson Street in Gloucester. The show displays McCarl’s colorful artwork, from watercolor/gouache to the collages made from her vibrant hand-painted papers. Proceeds from sales of still lives and landscapes will be shared with the Rocky Neck Art Colony and the Children’s Programming Fund at the Sawyer Free Library. For more information about the gallery, click here.
Stewardship/Pledge Drive—"Taking Stock: The Abundance of God’s Grace!” Last week we asked, “What are the riches of St. John’s? What (at St. John’s and in your own life) kept you going during the upheavals of the last 20 months?” This week we’re asking, “What losses or changes did St. John’s (and you) experience? In them, where did you find consolation/creativity/grace/learning?” If you missed last week’s and want to add your voice, please email your answers to
Open Door Donations Claudette Chmura reminds us to reconnect with the Open Door food pantry by bringing in food donations: During the pandemic, Open Door has distributed nearly 3 million pounds of food to the Gloucester community. They have also added daily meal preparation and deliveries to folks unable to come to the food pantry. By bringing items to Saint John’s, we can continue to support this important ministry. Don’t worry about what to bring, as long as it has not expired. Diapers, baby wipes, and other miscellaneous items are also welcome. Thank you for helping to continue our community outreach.
Air Purifier System: Thanks to the hard work of our wardens, in consultation with DeeDee Bedford, Chuck Everett, Sue Lupo and Mark Nelson and with the support of the vestry. The air purifier system is up and running!
Forum Time: Let’s Chat! Today (Sunday) between services (9:15 to 10:15), come to have a conversation with Pastor Lise. Who are you? What is your spiritual hunger? How has Covid changed you/the church? All are welcome!
Contacting Pastor Lise: Pastor Lise (aka Lise) can be reached at She has a church cell phone of 351-217-9209. Please use these to contact her.
Updated Covid Instructions: Masks are required for all indoor activities, and we are to keep distanced (>=6 ft) from other households. Please wear your mask over both mouth and nose.
Music Notes: